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Our programs are designed to assist families and individuals residing in Upstate South Carolina. Working with community partners, we are committed to providing excellent services to our customers.
Urban Achievers
An after-school program that provides a comprehensive curriculum to improve students’ reading, math, and PACT test performance. Participants, K-5 through 8th grade, receive forty hours of individualized academic instruction in language arts, reading, and math.
Right Step Juvenile Diversion
A fast track juvenile diversion program designed to prevent youth that are in the early stages of criminal involvement from becoming further involved in the juvenile justice system. Services include case management, community service projects, youth leadership development, crime prevention and pro-social, and life skills workshops.
Project Recconect
Designed to work with 25 Greenville County youth between the ages of 14-21 who are court involved or at-risk of court involvement. Program participants will be presented with career options, supplemental education assistance, and employment experience. Key components of the program are Life Skills Training, Job Readiness, Career Connection, Post Secondary Education Opportunities, and Extra Curricular Activities.
Pre-College Enrollment
Prepares middle and high school students for college enrollment as well as educate parents to participate and assist students to achieve educational goals. The service offers SAT, ACT, and college application fee waiver cards, SAT workshops, financial aid and scholarship assistance, career and post secondary education counseling, college tours, college fairs, college admissions applications, and other related services
Parent University
Offers comprehensive services that strengthen parental influence in the home, school and community. Services include parenting classes, individual case management, community services projects, family oriented activities, budgeting and healthy lifestyles workshops.
Housing and Supportive Services
A HUD approved counseling program, offering services that enable residents of the Upstate to make informed decisions regarding their housing needs and goals. These programs bridge the gap in minority homeownership and address the lack of affordable housing in the Upstate. Also, provide one-time (per year) rental or mortgage assistance for those in need.
Individual Development Account
Combines matched savings ($2 to $1), and education to assist low to moderate income families with obtaining life changing assets: home ownership, business entrepreneurship, or improved educational achievement.
Gandy Allmon Manor I & II, Senior Housing Complexes
Two HUD Section 202 Housing Developments, providing 59 apartments to low wealth seniors.
Business and Technology Center
Offers job-training services in office management and computer technology skills. The Center operates as an open-entry-open exit facility, with a self-paced curriculum.
Career Link
Provides job seekers employment counseling, employability assessment, and assistance with job search. Job readiness workshops, resume writing, and GED classes are offered. Job seekers may be referred to the Business and Technology Center for employability training.
State Wide Diversity Career Fair
Held annually in partnership with The Greenville News, it is free to the general public. The fair is designed to introduce qualified job seekers to prospective employers. The fair targets the unemployed, the under-employed, and those seeking a career change.
Youth Leadership Development Institute
Youth Leadership Development Institute prepares young people to meet the challenges of adolescence and early adulthood through a series of activities that promote leadership. Youth participate in classes, job shadowing and employment experiences. Opportunities are provided to develop attributes that young people need to be successful in the workplace such as social skills, decision making and accepting responsibility.
Robert L. Woodson Jr. Summer Internship Program
The Robert L. Woodson Jr. Summer Internship Program is a collaboration between Congressman Bob Inglis (4th Congressional District-SC) and the Urban League of the Upstate, which provides two 4-week paid internships for college students in Washington, DC as a congressional intern. Students must be a junior at the time of the internship.